story by Daniel Manning & Tyler Pomponio
written by Brad Einstein & Gary Pascal (koch brothers mystery show)
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
Dateline: September 11th… 2003… AD… Eastern time. We find our hero and story protagonist, Dagmar Pumpernickel, locked in the basement of the Pentagon. That dastardly dunce George W Bush has her tied to a water board! For nefarious waterboarding purposes, no doubt. What villainy awaits young Pumpernickel? Let’s find out today, on Timeswimmers!
When I'm Not Here
lyrics by Tau Zaman
arranged & performed by Evan Cunningham
Chris Tedesco on trumpet
featuring Susanna Kavee as Helen Partridge
Electric River (acoustic)
written & performed by Eno Freedman-Brodmann
“ODAR & You!”
written by Julian Mundy
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
A training tape shown to new ODAR recruits.
The Life & Times of Archimedes, the Cat
story by Daniel Manning, Danielle Shemaiah & Julian Mundy
written by Julian Mundy
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
A day in the life of Sally's cat Archimedes. Follow the Cat About Town; surely he can't get into more trouble than his owner. Can he?
directed & sound design BY MISCHA STANTON
Swearing's come a long way in 70 years, but Sally's getting impatient. She's ready for a new age in linguistic expression.
**WARNING: This episode contains very, VERY strong language. Listener discretion advised.
Director Whickman
written, directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
released 15 may 2016 on Patreon
A day in the life of Chet Whickman, newly-appointed Director of the Office of Developed Anomalous Resources.
Mr. Cornish Goes to Washington
written by Julian Mundy
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
released 15 July 2016 on Patreon
Hank Cornish takes a trip to the Secretary of Defense's office, to make sure he's playing nicely with the new agency in town.
Municipal Matters
written by Danielle Shemaiah
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
released 15 November 2016 on Patreon
Esther and Chet get involved in local politics.
Gourmet by Grissom
written by Eli Barraza
directed & sound design by Mischa Stanton
released 15 January 2017 on Patreon
Sally figures out a brand-new use for ODAR technology: recording a CAGE cooking show.
01: Hypothesis (original release)
directed & sound design BY MISCHA STANTOn
The original version of our first episode.
Wolf 359: "Succulent Rat-Killing Tar"
If you like our show, there's no way you won't also enjoy the intense space-conspiracies of Wolf 359. It's one of our favorite podcasts, made by some amazingly talented and kind individuals. There are a lot of similarities between our two shows, in tone and theme–if we are "the sad time podcast," Wolf is "the sad space podcast." So, as a 2016 Christmas gift for creator Gabriel Urbina, the aP team made this 100% faithful shot-for-shot (gender-swapped) remake of their first episode, Succulent Rat-Killing Tar.
And don't miss the ars PARADOXICA cast as the crew of the USS Hermes in Episode 47: Into the Depths!
Dan and Mischa sit around and talk about movies a lot. Especially time travel movies. Listen to them talk about the movies that inspired aP.